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Former staffer files lawsuit against Congressman Troy Nehls, claims being gay cost him his job

The 12-page lawsuit filed against Rep. Nehls' office alleges a pattern of homophobic comments by the congressman and his chief of staff.

HOUSTON — A former aide to Congressman Troy Nehls is suing the lawmaker's office claiming he was discriminated against because he's gay. 

The lawsuit alleges a pattern of homophobic comments from Nehls and the chief of staff ultimately forced him to leave his job. 

Attorney Les Alderman represents Alex Chadwell. He said it's hard to believe this type of behavior still happens in 2024, but Chadwell wants to stand up for himself and others. 

"He was forced out because he was gay, it's traumatic for anyone," said Alderman.

The new 12-page lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for D.C. aims at Republican Congressman Troy Nehls and his entire congressional office. 

"Alex suffered tremendously emotionally with what happened to him," said Alderman. 

Alderman said his client worked in Nehls' Washington office from January through May 2021. The suit alleges Nehls' chief of staff "regularly made anti-gay comments."

"Things like 'gays go to hell', and 'it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'," said Alderman. 

"Because of direct anti-gay hostility," Chadwell asked to be transferred to the district office at the time in Richmond, Texas. That's when Chadwell said the Congressman learned he was gay. 

"Once the Congressman got that confirmation that Alex was gay, then those duties that Alex enjoyed, evaporated," said Alderman.

Hostility in the office got worse Chadwell claims -- recounting a time the Congressman "became upset" when an employee was watching the TV show "Queer Eye" and allegedly stated "the office did not support gay people". 

Chadwell also claims Rep. Nehls suddenly cut off a long-lasting friendship with his family. 

"This was more than an employer shunning Alex because he was gay," said Alderman. "This was almost like a family member who rejects someone in their family because they came out."

By October 2023, the pressure was too much. Chadwell "agreed to resign."

This Congressman will now have to spend a lot of time defending this lawsuit that he should be using representing the people of his district," said Alderman.

Emily Matthews, a spokeswoman for Congressman Nehls, gave KHOU 11 News the following statement:

"Congressman Nehls’s office did not, and does not discriminate based on any unlawful factor.  There is no merit whatsoever to Mr. Chadwell's claim and the allegations of sexual orientation harassment are totally false. The office intends to mount a vigorous defense in this matter and is confident that it will be exonerated once all the facts are known."

Alderman said it could take up to two years for this to get to trial.

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