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'It's time for that change' | Houston dispensary applauds Biden's marijuana announcement

The Urban Flower Company sells legal THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids at its southeast Houston boutique.

HOUSTON — The Urban Flower Company in southeast Houston looks like a speakeasy. That’s on purpose, according to co-owner Adanary Jacques. 

"They’re not expecting a bar theme that is a nod back to the 1920s Prohibition era," she said.

Just as alcohol production and sales were banned during Prohibition, marijuana has faced similar legislation for decades.

"There’s so much disparity from state to state," said Jacques. "It’s just irrational."

Recently, restrictions have eased, even in Texas, allowing dispensaries like Urban Flower to bloom.

"(It) feels like it’s naughty, but it’s not," Jacques said with a smile.

The bottles behind the bar aren’t full of booze; they’re full of buds.

"We sell top-shelf hemp and cannabis. Legal THC, CBD, other cannabinoids," shared Jacques. "We’re not a smoke shop. We’re not a vape shop. We’re a boutique and our customers are so proud to walk out with their bag from Urban Flower Company."

RELATED: No, President Biden didn’t legalize marijuana nationwide

Everything in the dispensary is legal in Texas, she assured, including the snacks, syrups, cereals and more.

"People have gotten very creative in delivery of hemp products," Jacques said.

For her and her staff, President Biden’s announcement Thursday that he ordered "a pardon of all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana" popped the cork, so to speak.

"It’s very hopeful," said Jacques. "It’s a huge step toward progress of reforming those outdated laws that are keeping so many people from living normal lives."

Pardons here in Texas won’t happen under Governor Greg Abbott.

In a statement from his office, the governor wrote, “The Governor of Texas can only pardon individuals who have been through the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles system with a recommendation for pardon. The Governor of Texas can only pardon individuals who have been through the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles system with a recommendation for pardon."

RELATED: Biden pardons thousands for 'simple possession' of marijuana

However, Texas doesn’t get a say in how the federal government classifies substances.

"The fed gov classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 substance. Same as heroin and LSD, and more serious than fentanyl," President Biden said in his announcement, adding, "I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate a process to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law."

That process could take years. Still, the dispensary’s owners know all it takes is a seed and patience for a flower to blossom.

"It's time for that change," said Jacques.

Brandi Smith on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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