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Houston Zoo alum is cover boy for National Geographic

HOUSTON – A one-time resident of the Houston Zoo is one of 10 animals featured on National Geographic's April covers.
Ten animals are featured on National Geographic covers in April as part of The Photo Ark Project.

HOUSTON – A one-time resident of the Houston Zoo is one of 10 animals featured on National Geographic's April covers.

The April 2016 issue has 10 different covers featuring the work of well-known National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore.

The Coqueral sifaka, a type of lemur, was at the zoo's Wortham World of Primates when he was photographed. Dean has since been moved to another zoo. 

"The April covers highlight the National Geographic Photo Ark project, a multiyear effort with Sartore to photograph all captive species and inspire people to save these animals before they disappear," National Geographic said in a press release. "For many of Earth's creatures, time is running out. Species are disappearing at an alarming rate. To motivate people to care and help stop the crisis, Sartore is creating intimate portraits of an estimated 12,000 species of birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates."

Sartore has photographed nearly 6,000 animals so far.

The Houston Zoo has partnered with Sartore and his National Geographic Photo Ark project for six years and many of the Houston Zoo's animals have played a central role in the project.  In 2015, Sartore's photo of one of the Houston Zoo's clouded leopards was featured on the Vatican. His images of Houston Zoo sifaka, greater eland, and hawk-headed parrot were projected onto the Empire State Building.

The Houston Zoo is dedicated to saving animals in the wild, including the endangered Coquerel's sifaka. Native only to the small island of Madagascar, sifaka are threatened by deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and hunting. To help save these animals from continued decline, the Houston Zoo partners with a Malagasy (native people of Madagascar) conservation organization based in Madagascar called GERP, a French acronym which translates to Primate Education and Research Program.

Guests to the Houston Zoo can see a family of three Coquerel's sifaka in Wortham World of Primates in the center of the zoo where they can learn all about primates and what they can do to help protect them. People take action to help save these unique animals by simply being aware of the kind of woods they buy.  Many precious woods such as rosewood and ebony are illegally logged from Madagascar's forest to be made into furniture, musical instruments and other items.  Buy locally sourced wood products wherever possible.



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