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Watching Out For You: The case of the missing dentures

During her stay at the Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, Doris Vinson said her glasses and dentures, valued near $4,000, disappeared
Doris Vinson said her glasses and dentures, valued at $4,000, were lost while she was at the Clear Lake Regional Medical Center.

Doris Vinson knew one thing for certain: She was scared.

The 69-year-old great grandmother had just awakened after being taken by ambulance to Clear Lake Regional Medical Center.

"I was very sick," she said. "In fact I thought I wasn't going to make it through the night."

And neither did her children.

"I kept trying to wake her up, Just to let her know that I'm there," remembers daughter Diana Veretto. "And I couldn't wake her up, she would not wake up."

Eventually, Doris did wake up and win her battle with double pneumonia.

But a funny thing happened during that hospital stay: Vinson's glasses and dentures, worth about $4,000, just disappeared.

Her daughters remember it happening when the hospital moved Vinson from one wing to another.

"There's no system in place there for them to keep up with items" said another of her daughters, Marla Veretto, who also wants the hospital to consider a policy change. "They just go through and clean out the room."

Now, no one can find her belongings and it's just created one more problem for Vinson to deal with.

"I can't replace it because I don't have that kind of money," Vinson said.

That's why her daughters called KHOU's Watching Out for You. They say Clear Lake Regional lost them, so they should pay for them.

The only problem, the daughters claim, is that for the past month, the hospital just seemed to be stalling on giving them answers.

"We want her dentures and we want her glasses because those are the basic things that she needs just to live," Marla said.

So we called the hospital and soon got a call back.

Then another of those funny things happened.

Clear Lake Regional called the family to tell them they would pay for the lost items.

Hospital representatives told us that they were already been in the process of reimbursing the family before we called.

But the daughters aren't buying it.

"I mean, if they were gonna do anything, they would have done it already" said Diana, who points out Clear Lake Regional hasn't said when it's sending the check.

We'll keep asking until they do.

In the meantime, Vinson has a pair of temporary glasses and tries to make do without her bottom dentures.

"I had a hard time eating chicken tenders last night because they were a little tough," she said.

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