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University of Houston team creates nasal spray, vaccine that can fight COVID, respiratory illnesses

The treatment "Nano-Sting" has successfully passed the animal testing phase and could be a complementary treatment to fighting strains of COVID-19.

HOUSTON — University of Houston researchers have created a new way to prevent and treat some respiratory viruses. 

The research team developed two nasal sprays that can activate your immune system and protect against COVID-19 and other infections.

One such treatment, called NanoSTING, is a nasal spray that can be used almost immediately after symptoms of a virus start to show.

Dr. Navin Varadarajan, M.D. Anderson Professor of Chemical Engineering, is on the research team and said you can think of it like taking an aspirin after a headache.

“Because you're activating the immune system that's going to take care of the virus, it’s somewhat resistant or indifferent to what the virus itself is. As the virus evolves, your immune system is able to catch the virus and protect you from it,” Dr. Varadarajan said.

He said their team began research in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Varadarajan and his team said that both NanoSTING and a separate intranasal vaccine have successfully passed the animal testing phase.

He said the new vaccine can also prevent the spread of transmitting COVID-19 to others, which could lead to other medical advances. According to the university, intramuscular vaccines can prevent disease but are less efficient in preventing infection.

“Our concept is if we protect the nose as a point of entry and prevent viral transmission, there is an opportunity for us to get out of this cycle of endless boosting of coronavirus vaccines,” Dr. Varadarajan said.

The vaccine has been tested against the highly infectious Omicron variant of COVID-19 and other strains like it. 

The treatment will still have to go to the FDA for approval. Dr. Varadarajan said the “remarkable” work by the research team will allow human trials to begin likely within a year.

Troy Kless on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram

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