HOUSTON – Donor breast milk can save the lives of preterm infants and sick babies.
A new donor milk drop off is open in the Heights. The Heights Milk Bank Drop-Off is the first neighborhood drop in Houston.
Houston's other drop sites are mainly in hospitals.
"I'll be able to pull up right here, walk down the path with my children, rather than parking and paying for parking at the hospitals to drop off milk there," Nicole Gallagher, a mother and breast milk donor, said.
The milk collected at the new Heights drop site will be distributed to hospitals across the country for babies with unique circumstances – mainly medical conditions.
"One family who got milk when the mother passed away. The baby didn't tolerate formula and the milk bank stepped in and sent milk to that family for a year," lactation consultant Barbara Miller explained fighting while she was back tears. "A lot of gratitude there and a healthy baby."
And that's the goal, healthy babies who thrive and grow.