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Bone marrow drive underway for 5-year-old battling rare disease

Nicholas Gonzalez was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia. He is now in need of a bone marrow transplant.

HOUSTON — A bone marrow drive is underway for a five-year-old boy battling a rare disease.

Nicholas Gonzalez has been diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia, a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough blood cells.

His father says after chemo and other treatment, Nicholas seemed to get better, but two months ago, his health declined. He now has to have a bone marrow transplant to save his life. 

His father joined BeTheMatch.org, which held a registry event Saturday in hopes of finding a donor.

“He’s fighting for his life,” Nicholas’ father, Marco, said.  “This week, we were at the hospital all week. He was admitted because of a fever, because he has very, very weak immune system, so any sickness can lead to really horrible problems.”

To learn more about whether it’s possible for you to be a bone marrow donor for Nicholas or anyone else, log onto BeTheMatch.org.


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