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Pearland ISD's 'Plan to Proceed' includes both online, in-person options

The plan to reopen includes numerous safety protocols for students, parents and staff.

PEARLAND, Texas — The Pearland ISD Board of Trustees has approved a revised version of its reopening plans, according to district officials Tuesday.

The school year will now start on Aug. 31. That's more than a week later than the original date, which was Aug. 19.

Pearland ISD’s “Plan to Proceed” outlines safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic for students, parents and teachers with the semester.

The board of trustees also approved new, longer school hours for the 2020-21 year. 

  • Elementary 8 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
  • Junior High/Middle School: 8:35 a.m. - 4:10 p.m.
  • High School/PACE: 7:15 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Parents will have the option to choose between on-campus learning and remote learning.

On-campus instruction will consist of full-day, face-to-face instruction for all courses. Remote instruction will offer online instruction through a remote synchronous and/or remote asynchronous format.

“Our first and foremost challenge is to protect student/staff health and safety while delivering instruction under both scenarios,” Pearland ISD Superintendent John Kelly wrote in a letter to parents. “An incredible amount of work is underway to accomplish this.”

Pearland ISD’s plan includes self-screening for students and staff as well as a face-covering requirement for all employees and students over the age of 10, with some exceptions.

“While there remains uncertainty about the trajectory of the pandemic and any resulting directives from state and regional officials, we must NOW make commitments and nonnegotiable safeguards geared toward protecting our students/staff and promoting excellent instruction under unprecedented circumstances,” Kelly said.


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