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Devastated family of Houston mother dragged by carjacker says her brother was shot and killed in April

"She was a lovable person and bubbly and everybody wanted to be around. She’d light up your day, but if you messed with her kids it was like momma bear."

HOUSTON — The family of a woman who was dragged to her death Tuesday was already mourning the loss of her brother who was shot and killed earlier this year. 

Jessica Garza, 41, was parked at an east Houston church waiting for her daughter to get off work. A carjacker suddenly jumped into her car after robbing a nearby auto parts store, Houston police said. 

They say he pushed Garza out but she got stuck in the seatbelt. The carjacker took off, dragging her several blocks and crashing into at least half a dozen vehicles.

Marcus Wayne Brock, 55, was arrested at the scene and charged with capital murder on Wednesday. 

RELATED: Suspect charged with capital murder in horrific dragging death of woman carjacked in north Houston

RELATED: Woman dies after robbery suspect drags her along street during carjacking, HPD says

The family pastor said Garza's daughter saw her mom being dragged. 

"She just says she can’t get it out of her mind. That she just keeps thinking about it and replaying it like a nightmare over and over again," said Pastor Christopher Shackleford with St. Andrew Catholic Church.

'She'd light up your day'

Family members want people to know that Garza had a huge heart and was loved by all who knew her.

Her daughter posted a loving tribute online at gofundme.com.

"Life without my mother is definitely going to be a challenge. She made me out to be such a strong woman and I know the Lord will continue to give me the strength to get through this tragedy. I have to be there for my two younger brothers and my loving father. She made such an impact on everyone. She touched the hearts of everyone she met."

Pastor Shackleford described her as a caring person who would do anything for others.

"She was a lovable person and bubbly and everybody wanted to be around. She’d light up your day, but if you messed with her kids it was like momma bear."

Tragedy times two

We met Garza back in April as she cried and mourned the shooting death of her 46-year-old brother Marcelo.

He was killed by a Harris County deputy who'd responded to reports of a man suffering from a mental health crisis. 

“When our deputy arrived, he was met at the front door by the subject, who was armed,” HCSO Chief Mike Lee said at the scene on Sunflower Prairie Court in east Harris County, south of Sheldon. “The suspect aggressively approached our deputy.”

Family members, who said Marcelo suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, were angry that the deputy shot him.

"Everything can be fixed. Any problem in this world can be fixed except for death," Jessica Garza said after her brother's death.

In those now haunting words, she was describing how her mother would talk about death.

'They're not just names'

The pastor says the shock and grief the family is feeling is unimaginable.

"I was here this morning and I visited with them and one of the sons said that he woke up this morning and ran into the bedroom hoping to see her, thinking it was all a dream." 

At the site where Jessica’s car crashed, a small memorial has started.

Pastor Shackelford called for an end to senseless violence.

"There’s so much disrespect for human life," he said. "The message I’d like to get out is when are we going to wake up and realize these are our brothers and sisters? They’re not just names."

They have started a GoFundMe page to help with the funeral costs and other expenses. Her daughter posted a touching tribute. 

"Our beloved Jessica Garza-Godinez recently passed on 9/28/2021. Jessica was a wonderful Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Catechist, and friend who touched the lives of those around her. She leaves behind her 3 children, husband, family, and friends.

Life without my mother is definitely going to be a challenge. She made me out to be such a strong woman and I know the Lord will continue to give me the strength to get through this tragedy. I have to be there for my two younger brothers and my loving father. She made such an impact on everyone. She touch the hearts of everyone she met. She had such a huge heart and was always willing to be a helping hand to others. She volunteered her time at our community church, St.Andrew Catholic church, she had many friends, and overall was loved by everyone. Jessica dedicated her life to her children, husband, family, work, and to the lord.

Everyone knew Jessica as a loving, outgoing, joyful, dedicated, and hard-working person. She always said to us, her kids to do everything you do to the best of your ability. We will continue to live our lives how she taught us, to the best standard.

We are all devastated by Jessica Garza-Godinez’s loss and were not prepared for the high cost of a funeral service. We want to give Jessica the memorial she deserves, to honor her memory, and say our last goodbyes.

I am currently asking for donations to help cover the cost of Jessica’s funeral. We need to raise a good amount, in order to be able to afford the funeral service."

David González on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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