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16-year-old who took a bullet protecting his mother during a carjacking last week is already out of the hospital

Will Hammond was shot in the chest when he and his mom were carjacked as they left work together last week.

DEER PARK, Texas — A pair of blood-stained sneakers remain a rather morbid reminder of the night 16-year-old Will Hammond could have easily lost his young life.

“I am fortunate," Hammond said. "The Lord helped me a lot.”

He’s now home from the hospital with bandages covering a bullet’s entry and exit wounds in his chest and back.

"It went in between my fifth and sixth rib,” Hammond said.

Hammond is considered a hero after police said he was shot while protecting his mother -- both of whom had just left work together late last Tuesday night when a carjacking suspect confronted them in Deer Park.

RELATED: Good Samaritan helps 16-year-old who was shot while defending his mom during carjacking in Deer Park

“I wasn’t looking for that," Hammond said. "I didn’t know any of this was going to happen. All I was doing was helping my mom out.”

Hammond threw a glass bottle at the suspect before he was shot but the suspect was still able to get away in their car. Police said he led police on a chase and ended up crashing the car before he was taken into custody.

Matthew Hubbard, 28, was taken into custody at the crash scene.

“I already knew that there were people out here like this," Hammond said. "I just didn’t know it was going to happen to me yet."

Hammond's father started a GoFundMe page to help pay for a new car and medical expenses.

"They told me I was healing like Superman,” Hammond said.

Fortunately, Hammond is expected to fully recover.

Hubbard was being held in the Harris County Jail on various charges with combined bonds totaling more than $2 million.

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