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Caught on camera: Appliances allegedly stolen from Houston home under construction

Houston police told the homeowner that it's possible the alleged suspects could be associated with the contractors.

HOUSTON — Two men were caught on camera allegedly burglarizing a man's home that is under construction. 

The homeowner said the suspected thieves got away with appliances that were inside the home.

"I had placed all my appliances right here in the living room," said Jason Fang. "Worth probably over about $2,500 just with the water heaters, the dishwasher and all the various components that they took so quickly."

The video from outside the home shows a black truck pulling into the driveway at 10:59 p.m. Two people were seen getting out and going around to the back of the house. 

Two minutes later, the truck pulls out and at 11:02 p.m., the truck pulls back into the driveway, this time in reverse. A minute later, two people are seen getting in the truck with large boxes in the trunk. The truck then drives off.

"I could tell by the speed in which they entered the building that they had inside knowledge of the code for the lockbox," Fang said.

Houston police told Fang that it's possible the alleged suspects could be associated with the contractors.

Fang said the home has been under construction for several months and he expects it to be completed soon.

Now that the alleged burglary has taken place, Fang said he's more aware.

"You can never be too cautious you know. Even if you think you’re going to leave something for just a short period of time, you never know where eyes are just watching," he said. "And who’s watching you?"

Fang believes the people he spotted on video weren't aware of the cameras out of the home.

Maria Aguilera on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


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