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Greenspoint-area apartment resident on edge due to recent rash of car break-ins

Residents said they think people with handicap placards are being targeted by the thieves.

HOUSTON — Residents at an apartment complex in the Greenspoint area are on edge after a string of break-ins.

They've even caught the thieves on video and filed police reports.

The residents said their vehicles are getting broken into and they think a specific group of people are being targeted.

"They broke into our vehicles last night -- two or three cars," a resident said.

Surveillance video shows them breaking windows to get in and take one thing in particular.

"The handicap placards out of all of them," the resident said. "I just feel unsafe right now."

The resident didn't want to be identified but said she doesn't understand why anyone would do what they're doing.

"I'm an old lady. I'm an elderly woman here," she said.

She's not alone. Veronica Sweed was hit twice -- both of her vehicles were broken into.

"This is my second time my window getting broken in my car," Sweed said.

Residents aren't just worried about their windows.

"It's just sad that they are breaking into people's cars and, and then, they're stealing tires," a resident said.

Multiple vehicles were left on blocks with all four tires missing. Residents said it's a common occurrence lately and blame a lack of security and a gate that won't close.

"It's always open. I mean, they just close this side for us to exit out of it," a resident said.

Both women are frustrated they're left to pay for someone else's crime.

"I paid almost $300 to get my windows fixed," Sweed said.

It's money she had to borrow from her brother that was meant for her grandkids.

Apartment management said their legal department would respond to KHOU 11 News' request for comment but we haven't yet heard back.

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