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Did your car insurance get more expensive? You’re not alone. Here’s what you can do

The rising costs of repair, labor and medical care are causing insurance sticker shock.

If your car insurance has gone up and you’re wondering if you’re alone, you’re not. Auto insurance has jumped nearly 15% in the past year.

Juan Maroso loves driving his Tesla but there’s nothing fun about paying the insurance. It has jumped nearly 70%.

“My regular insurance was $2,400 for six months, and it went up to $4,000," he said. "It's one more thing to add to the list, honestly, but it hurts. It definitely hurts."

The rising costs of repair, labor and medical care are causing insurance sticker shock.

A new report by www.bankrate.com found nationwide premiums have risen more than $240 dollars, topping $2000 a year.

So what can you do?

Shop around for the best deal. Call your insurance agent to see if you’re taking full advantage of available discounts.

Consider a small or cheaper car.

Drive carefully. Moving violations like speeding tickets could raise your rates even more.

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