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Alex Bregman helps make little girl's dream come true

Two big name ballplayers from different teams and different leagues teamed up to surprise a 12-year-old girl with spina bifida.

CHICAGO — A 12-year-old girl’s dream of meeting her favorite baseball player came true this week, thanks to her new friend Alex Bregman.

Faith Kuhn met with the Astros third baseman earlier this year when he was visiting his hometown of Albuquerque. She told Bregman how much she loves Kris Bryant with the Chicago Cubs, so Bregman posted a video on Instagram to introduce the two.

Bryant was so moved by the video, he invited Faith and her family to Wrigley Field to watch a game.

Bryant played ball with Faith, who has undergone 15 surgeries for spina bifida.

He also gave Faith and her family a tour of the clubhouse and presented her with a personalized Cubs jersey.

Credit: Homer, Michelle
Kris Bryant invited Faith Kuhn and her family to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field and gave them a tour of the clubhouse. He also played ball with Faith.

Faith even got a FaceTime call from Bregman while she watched batting practice from the field.

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Faith wanted me to show you her baseball swing and wants you to know that you are her favorite player! @kris_bryant17

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