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WOMON wants you to get ready for a church service like no other

Sound curator, WOMON, created blkpplchrch as a new way to celebrate spirituality.

HOUSTON — At Blkpplchrch you can truly come as you are! 

Here is WOMON's story "As a Black Queer artist born and raised in the South, I inherited a belief system that reinforced that my kind of "otherness" was not appropriate nor favorable within society. As much as I found refuge in the music I experienced in Southern Black churches, my authentic self did not have a place of belonging. I was typecasted and shut out. 

WOMON goes on to say, "As I expanded in my sound practice, I found myself always returning back to the source of the freedom I felt while in church.. the call and response... the freedom in the music. If I remove the judgment, shame, and trauma, in what way can music be a vessel towards freedom? Through sound and archival study my idea of "church" shifted from place and thing – to "chrch" as spirit, safety, freedom, community, and state of mind. This type of freedom is available to us all regardless of who and what we are. Blkpplchrch began as a personal antidote for my own healing but has grown to become a personal offering to and for my community as a demonstration of collective healing. This movement is a dedication to us, for us; free from judgment and free from shame." - WOMON

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