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Galveston Mardi Gras organizers face unlikely challenge: A delay in beads

We all know about the COVID-19 threat. Now, organizers are looking at other challenges like Mardi Gras bead supplies.

GALVESTON, Texas — After being called off last year, Mardi Gras! Galveston is six weeks away. But from a variety of problems like supply shortages record omicron case numbers, organizers already have their fair share of concerns.

As the paint dries on parade floats, it was just one of many preparations underway for one of Galveston's biggest events of the year.

“We think Mardi Gras fits in the category of things that should happen," President of Yaga’s Entertainment Mike Dean said.

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But already, the event has come with its own strand of struggles. The first is a lack of beads.

“There’s no beads. If people didn’t plan the way that we planned," Dean said.

Dean says he ordered 3 million beads six months ago.

“Currently I'm tracking our ship in the middle of the pacific that has our beads on it," Dean said.

And he says those who didn’t order early might be out of luck, unless, they look for greener options.

“We take the beads and we sort them. Then we package them, and we sell them," teacher at Ball High School Darren Muren said.

Life Skills students at Ball High School are re-packaging the recycled beads from past Mardi Gras events.

“This is a heartfelt, good program to buy beads from," Dean said.

But on top of beads that are still on the high seas, COVID cases are the highest they’ve ever been here in Galveston. The county health district says January 2 had the highest case numbers reported to date, with 893 new cases that day.

Click here to see the health district's COVID-19 dashboard.

But organizers say, right now, they’ll do whatever the state tells them.

“If the state said we couldn’t do it, then we wouldn’t do it. So we would cancel and then take our financial wounds and move on. And it would be a sad day," Dean said.

“If you are concerned, wear a mask. If you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated. Come on out, enjoy it, and we’ll all have fun," Co-Chair of Grand Night Parade Abel Ortiz said.

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