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David's Blog: Trying My Hand At Beekeeping

And now, for something completely different! The wife and I have decided to become beekeepers. Today, we drove to Bluebonnet Beekeeping Supplies (link below) in Willis to pick up our supplies. That silver can is called a 'smoker' and is used to calm the bees down as you inspect the hive.
Credit: maxuser
Credit: maxuser

The hive lives inside these white boxes (painted white to help keep cool in summer) and are called 'brood boxes.' Bees build their honeycomb inside the box. That's also where they will store their honey. A year from now they will be sharing some of that with me!

Credit: maxuser

They come in and out through a slit at the bottom of the hive.

Credit: maxuser

So I have a week to set up my new bee condo. I pick up my bees and queen next weekend. Soon I'll have to post a sign in my yard like this one in Willis! https://www.bluebonnetbeekeeping.com/

Before You Leave, Check This Out